Response teams are those who work in partnership with our Region’s Committee on Ministry and assist in a variety of ways when there is a concern for a Pastors fitness for ministry or an allegation of misconduct is brought to our Regional Ministers or Committee on Ministry’s attention.

The Role of Response Teams

Most Regions have established and trained response teams to collect information about a situation and then report that information to the Regional Minister(s) and/or the Committee on the Ministry for its deliberation. Some Regions also train pastoral care teams from which pastoral support persons can be drawn. These trained teams of persons supplement the work of the Region’s Committee on the Ministry by fulfilling specified roles without becoming involved in the deliberation and decision-making process of the Fitness Review.

The Committee on Ministry is again needing to recruit new Response Team Members and will be offering a Training for those wishing to help with Pastoral support or serve as Investigators who gather information. The Training will be held early in January 2018 (date TBA).

Please contact the Regional Church Office, 626-296-0385, if you are interested in being a part of a Response Team.

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt

By Spencer Burke, Hatchery LA

The week of October 16th was a big one for church innovators in the PSWR. Two of our innovators emerged on the national scene, joining a team of multi-faith leaders for a deeper dive into what it means to be spiritual entrepreneurs. Over the past year, Hatchery LA – an initiative of PSWR – has developed relationships with other groups interested in advancing spiritual innovation, including a Jewish incubator called Glean and the Columbia University School of Business. Our dialogue came to life as we realized we had common interests and needs. We all believe that people have not “left” their faith, but have moved to other forms of expressing it. Together, we want to support those spiritual sojourners trying to find and experience God in the 21st century.

So, it was very existing for PSWR’s Al Lopez, Nora Jacobs, and Stephen Patten from Urban Mission of Pomona, and Jason and Janell Coker of First Christian Church Oceanside, to join with Hatchery for Columbia Business School’s “Ventures for All.” Several of us traveled to New York to kick off a 6-month course that will help our innovators hone their vision, and develop a plan to implement, communicate and sustain that vision. After the 2-day, onsite intensive at Columbia Business School, our teams have moved into an online learning phase with class instruction, coaching, and multi-faith cohorts.

At the end of the 2-day gathering, Jack McGourty, the leader from Columbia University closed with the insight, “This CBS classroom is now a sacred space.” He understands there is a movement afoot. It is a movement of spiritual renewal, innovation, and change. It is reverberating across multiple faiths and I’m excited for PSWR to be a part of it. Stay tuned for future reports as we see how our churches work together to love and serve our generation and those to come.

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt

This fall, major disasters have been in the news continuously. We know that there is strong interest in supporting the Hurricane Harvey response. If you are able to take a mission team to help with the muck and gut work before the end of November, please email Josh Baird ( – include the name of your church, how many people you expect to have, and the dates you are available. Details for a long-term response are coming together and a calendar for scheduling teams will be available soon.

In the meantime, a number of other places are ready today to receive your team and put them to work. Over the past two years, a significant number of disasters did not make lasting headlines. Help is desperately needed – please consider sending a team to one of these communities.

Also remember to support our disaster recovery ministries through Week of Compassion.  At this time Puerto Rico needs all the support that we can send them through WoC.  As you have seen in the news their situation is desperate. 

Other information is available at

We have not received any requests for support from Northern California yet but we expect calls for support once the fires are completely contained.  If you have any questions contact:

Rev. Dr. Norman L. Williams
PSWR Disaster Recovery Ministry

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt

By Revs. Don Dewey and Susan Gonzales Dewey, Co-Regional Ministers

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give wayand the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foamand the mountains quake with their surging...The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress." (Psalm 46)

Dear Disciple Brothers and Sisters, 

As most of you know, a few nights ago in Las Vegas, we experienced the largest mass shooting in the history of the United States. We offer our deepest prayers and condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in this senseless attack. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by this tragedy and we reaffirm, as people of faith, our commitment to a peaceful and compassionate world and to our God who is our refuge and strength.

We have been in contact with Rev. Steve Willis, pastor of FCC Las Vegas, and no one from their congregation was directly affected. However, friends and others were, as well as the whole of the Las Vegas community. We pray for our Pastors and churches as they offer care and compassion to their community. The long-term effects of this terrible tragedy are yet to be fully known, but our continued prayers are desperately needed. 

We also know, that our wider world has been rocked by recent hurricanes that have devastated Puerto Rico, as well as damage done in Texas, Louisiana and Florida, a 7.1 earthquake that hit Mexico causing massive destruction, deaths and injury and serious flooding in Southeast Asia. These and other crises challenge us as faithful people in the midst of climate changes, to offer prayers and support for our sisters and brothers who are reeling from the affects of these natural disasters.

Already our Regional Board made the unanimous decision to designate $50,000 to our General Church's disaster relief arm, Week of Compassion, to go toward hurricane relief efforts. However, our concern and support does not end there. On a personal note, our Disciples of Christ denomination has a seminary, 160 churches, and 21,000 Disciple members in Puerto Rico who are deeply affected as well. The effects of the natural disasters will be a long time in recovery and our continued prayers and support are requested.

What can you do to help bring Christ's comfort, compassion and love to those suffering in these situations? You can make a donation to Week of Compassion, which is our hands and feet on the ground in addressing these natural disasters, by going to:

Don and Susan

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt

By Revs. Don Dewey and Susan Gonzales Dewey, Co-Regional Ministers

Don and I thank you for the privilege of Sabbatical time. This cycle, Don and I overlapped our time – I took the first two weeks away, then Don and I took four weeks together, and Don is still in Sabbatical as I write this Mile Marker. I will tell you, I miss my partner. It is hard to not talk about work AT ALL with the one person I usually get to process life with. But he will be back by the time you all read this, as he returns on October 1.

Don and I had the great privilege of traveling to Italy. We went to see the history of the early church and the art. I finally have an understanding of what “Post Modern” really means. We saw ruins and art from the first centuries, and churches still standing and art from the mid-centuries, and then the guides talked about art from the 1800’s as modern. Ancient, old and "Modern." So if the art of the 1800’s is Modern (and it was for them), then what we have seen from the 1900’s and 2000’s is Post-Modern.

We went to see every church that was open–not all 300 churches in Rome, but we did get to see the Basilica of St. Mark in Venice and St. Peter in Rome, and they are magnificent. They were built to let the architecture inspire the AWE of God in the worshiper, and it still does. But you need a ticket or a reservation to go in. Because while most of these churches still have worshiping communities, they are also museums. For the Art? For the Architecture? For a Culture? Probably all of the above.

I have been thinking for the past few weeks about how to make sense of so many ancient and old churches I visited and the church today. It is said we are living in a Post-Modern age, and that we are living in a Post-Christian age. So what does that term mean? It means we are living in a time when no one takes Christian life for granted, because there are more people not involved in Christian life than are involved in a Christian life of faith.

As I looked at the churches in Italy that were more museums than they were active hubs of ministry and Christian formation, I wondered about the Post-Christian churches in the U.S, as well as in the PSWR. I know we do not want to be museums of another age with a small worshiping community. So how can we step fully into being active hubs of healing and ministry and Christian formation? How can we live into justice activity, meeting the needs of the community, leading in racial justice, education, economic justice?

How can we grow into an active prayer life, taking Sabbath time seriously and surrounding the needs of our world and our people in prayer? Because these are the things that keep us from being museums of the faith.

In my first week of Sabbatical, I went to Ghost Ranch in Northern New Mexico for a week of “Spiritual Journey,” and the books I was to read in preparation focused on Sabbath and spiritual practice and prayer. As much as I loved Italy, this week at Ghost Ranch was the most significant part of my time away. Because while I lead retreats and workshops on prayer and spiritual practice, I have not given this much time to receive leading on Sabbath and spiritual practices. And this is the foundation, Sabbath, time with God listening and receiving from God is the foundation for prayer practices and where the energy is to be the Spiritual hospital and the Justice leaders.

What I learned for myself is I need to practice saying ‘No” to too much, so I can say yes to time with God. I have been known to say, "If I can say yes, I will say yes," but now I have a new spiritual practice, of saying “NO." Otherwise I fill my time and space with so much, when there is no time and space to listen to God.

In Walter Wink’s book "Engaging the Powers from 1992," he lifts up the Romans passage in Chapter 8 verses 26-27 from the Phillips translation:

The Spirit also helps in our present limitations. For example, we do not know how to pray worthily, but God’s spirit within us is actually praying for us in those agonizing longings (groans) which cannot find words. Those who know the heart’s secrets understand the spirits intention as they pray according to Gods will for those who love God.

Winks writes that we are all carrying the heavy burden of the world’s brokenness, whether we read the news, or FACEBOOK or not, because we are all connected. So the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know how to pray, as we ought: this does not mean, as it is most often taken, that we lack the proper techniques. Our ignorance is not that we do not know the right methods, but precisely that we thing we know how to pray. We think it is something we do. It is not. How could it be, if “We do not even know how to pray, as we ought?" We learn to pray by stopping the attempt and simply listening to the prayer already being prayed in us by our God. Our task is to listen and simply bring the spirit’s utterances to language, to consciousness, to awareness.

So thank you again for the time to listen to God, and I invite you to the spiritual practice of Sabbath and listening to the prayers that God is already placing is each of us.


Together on the Journey,
Don and Susan
Your Regional Ministers

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt