All Licensed and Ordained Ministers in the Pacific Southwest Region are required to meet the minimum standard of 1.5 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) per year to maintain standing in the PSWR, effective January 1, 2006. 1.5 CEUs equals 15 hours of instructional time.  

Ministers can earn CEUs by attending either Regionally sponsored and other religious/spiritual educational opportunities not sponsored by the PSWR. 

To apply for CEU credit for Regionally sponsored events, a CEU credit form will be provided for you at the event and will be stamped by event leaders at the end of the event. The minister is then required to submit this stamped form to the Regional Office for the credit to be applied to their ministerial profile. Submit the form and documentation via email to Michel Johnson at or a copy mailed to the Regional Office. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.

To apply for CEU credit for events not sponsored by the PSWR, download and print the PSWR CEU Form. Complete the form and attach proper proof that you completed the instructional hours. Submit the form and documentation via email to or a copy mailed to the Regional Office. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.

Upcoming CEU opportunities will often be shared via PSWR E-Shout. Use the form below to sign up to receive these emails. Please scroll down below for a list of upcoming CEU opportunities. You can also check the PSWR Regional Calendar and the “Upcoming Events” page for information on upcoming events.

Thursday, March 27 | 11:00 am PT

NBA’s Mental Health & Wellness Program will host the workshop “Designing your Mental Health Sunday: A Preparation Workshop for Clergy and Leaders.” This interactive workshop will help you design your congregation’s or organization’s Mental Health Sunday service, observed every 3rd Sunday during Mental Health Awareness Month in May. Rev. Joselyn Spence, NBA’s Director of Mental Health and Wellness, will be joined by Rev. Ailsa Guardiola González, pastor of First Christian Church in Tucson; Rev. Judith Guy Thomas, pastor of Mackinaw Christian Church in central Illinois; and Rev. Orlando Scott, Executive Director of SMMC/Bese Saka Community Garden and the lead pastor of AMPLIFY Christian Church in Snellville, GA.

Registration is required for this free virtual workshop. For more information and to sign up visit

Communion Practices and Why We Do Them:
Understanding Variations at the Table
April 9 | 3:30 pm PT


THAT WILL PREACH is a new offering in which LTS faculty, alumni, and friends have a lunchtime conversation about an upcoming lectionary text. The featured faculty member will open with a presentation on the text (perhaps sharing some insight on exegesis, theological reflection, connections to the practice of ministry, issues of justice, or their own faith journey). The floor will then be opened for a discussion about the passage of scripture and its relevance to ministry.

Does it make a difference what kind of bread we use at communion? Why do some denominations use wine and others use grape juice?  How do Disciples of Christ communion practices differ from other denominations? What is God’s role at the table?  And what is our role in this sacred meal?

We’ll tackle these questions and more with Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade, associate professor of preaching and worship at Lexington Theological Seminary.  Participants will gain a deeper understanding of communion that will expand their faith and better appreciate the faith of their siblings in other denominations.

Building Community Through Storytelling: Sharing Bible Stories and Our Own Stories
April 30th |. 9:00 am PT

Revs. Kaye Edwards and Elaine Austin of Worship and Wonder Bible Storytelling will share ways this multi-sensory approach brings life experiences into dialogue with all ages and with God.

Rev. Edwards served as Director of Family and Children’s Ministry for Disciples Home Missions for 17 years. There, she created the Children Worship & Wonder Program and continues to volunteer with Worship and Wonder.

Rev. Austin has served as a storyteller and trainer for the denomination over 23 years. She is President of the nonprofit Worship & Wonder, enriching the faith formation of all ages, by encouraging sharing our stories to strengthen our communities.

There is no cost to attend the webinar, but registration is required. Register Now for this Free Webinar!

16 y 17 de Mayo

Bienvenido al formulario de registración para el Curso de Historia y Polica de la Iglesia Cristiana (Discipulos de Cristo) auspiciado por la Obra Hispana. Este curso se llevara acabo los dias 16 y 17 de Mayo y será transmitido a través de Zoom. El curso se ofrecerá en español y tiene un costo de $40.

Viernes: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm EST | 3:00 pm-6:00 pm PST
Sábado: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm EST | 8:00 am - 4:00 pm PST (con 1 hora de almuerzo)

Descripcion del curso: Este curso es un análisis de la historia y evolución de la Iglesia Cristiana, desde sus comienzos hasta la actualidad. El estudio busca destacar las ideas y prácticas de la denominación que han sido fundamentales en el desarrollo de nuestra identidad como Discípulos de Cristo.

Acerca de la profesora: La Rvda. Dr. Yara González-Justiniano es Profesora Asistente de Religión, Psicología y Cultura con énfasis en Estudios Latinx en la Universidad de Vanderbilt. También es profesora afiliada al Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, del Caribe y Latinx. Sus intereses de investigación y enseñanza incluyen teologías Latinx, teología de la liberación latinoamericana, eclesiología y teologías pastorales, estudios de la memoria, teoría poscolonial y decolonial, cultura popular y cine, así como religión popular y teologías de la esperanza. González-Justiniano es ministra ordenada de la Iglesia Cristiana (Discípulos de Cristo) en la región de Tennessee.

Este curso cumple con los requisitos para la ordenación y la comisión bajo la Iglesia Cristiana (Discípulos de Cristo).

De tener alguna duda o pregunta puede contactarnos a nuestro correo electrónico:

April 28-June 23, 2015
Mondays 4:00 - 6:00 pm PT

Topics to be covered include – 

  • What is interim ministry? And how is it different from settled ministry?

  • What gifts and skills are needed for interim ministry? What tools are needed?

  • What are the issues congregations need to talk about during
    the interim time?

  • What is the role of the Transition Team?

  • How do we lead a meaningful visioning process?

  • How do we handle issues of change? And of conflict?

This class is for ministers in any age and stage of their career, pulpit supply ministers, retired ministers who want to return to ministry, therapists/counselors/social workers who want to use their gifts and skills in a congregational setting, laity interested in becoming a commissioned minister. The class meets on Monday nights from 6:00 – 8:00 pm Central Time with an optional after-session each week. There will be readings, videos and conversations most weeks in between class sessions. Students who complete the class will have a knowledge of interim ministry, how to have a strong start, gather a Transition Team, lead crucial conversations. Congregations led by interim ministers have the opportunity to become more healthy and more vital with a clearer vision of their next chapter together with a new settled pastor. The 8 sessions will cost $600. Many Regional ministers are willing to share in the cost if the student offers to serve in an interim setting in the future. Email Scott Woolridge ( for more information and the registration link.

(The Fall 2025 training will meet on Mondays from September 8 to October 27, 2025)

July 11, 2025 12:30 - 5:30 pm (Eastern Time)

Location: Lindenwood Christian Church
Memphis, Tennessee

Registration is open for our Youth Pastors and Volunteers Pre-Assembly Conference! We look forward to coming together in Memphis to reflect, empower, and plan for connectional ministry with youth.

For questions, contact:
Monique Crain Spells, Vice President for Mission, Advocacy and Programs
Email: mcrainspells
Phone: (317) 713-2675

Managerrie Winston, Coordinator for Ministry with Youth & Young Adults
Email: mwinston
Phone: (317) 713-2641

October 2-4, 2025 | Denver, Colorado

Save the Date! The 2025 NBA Mental Health and Professionals Conference will be held October 2-4, 2025 in Denver, CO. If you are a mental health professional or chaplain working in the field of mental health, or completing a graduate degree in a mental health-related area, you are invited to join us in an opportunity for care, rest, education and connection amongst those who understand your work at the intersection of faith and mental health! Stay tuned for more details on the conference and a link to sign up to attend either in-person or virtually.

Are you interested in providing a workshop or other brief mental health and wellness related facilitation at the conference? Please submit your information no later than April 1st.

Asynchronous Online Course

New Church Ministry is now offering a Leadership Academy course on CHURCHx, an elearning platform built to support mission and ministry. Learn about the DisciplesNEXT framework from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. This course is ideal for those who work during the week or are bi-vocational. While it provides the same curriculum as those who attended Leadership Academy in person, only the EMERGE track session is currently available. EMERGE participants discern their missional purpose, develop their future stories, and prepare their communities of faith for launch. However, workshops and resources are continuously being added. Access to this course never expires. Learn more

New Church Ministry proudly presents IMPACT, a new webinar series that welcomes you on a captivating journey of storytelling and deep mutual learning. In each episode, host and Minister of New Church Strategies Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez invites guests who have defied conventions and fostered vibrant communities of faith to share their invaluable experiences and personal narratives. By exploring the challenges, triumphs, and transformative moments of these visionary leaders, attendees gain invaluable inspiration and direction for their own ventures. 

This dynamic series embraces diversity, welcoming influential leaders from a multitude of faith traditions and backgrounds. From established religious institutions to emerging spiritual movements, IMPACT showcases a broad spectrum of voices and perspectives, ensuring participants have a rich tapestry of insights to draw from. While each of its speakers bring a distinct approach and innovative strategies to the table, equipping participants with a toolkit of ideas to create thriving, inclusive places of worship that resonate with today’s seekers, IMPACT emphasizes the power of storytelling as a catalyst for change. Whether you are an aspirational individual looking to make a difference or a member of an established congregation that is considering revitalizing its mission, IMPACT is your transformative guide. Join us as we delve into the profound potential that storytelling has to shape the future of faith communities worldwide. Together, we can ignite a new era of spiritual vitality and make an enduring impact on the lives of those we serve.


Join the conversations that will expose you to new ideas, deepen your commitments, and give insights on how to minister in a changing world. The Center for Ministry and Lay Training's online program allows you to explore your call to ministry or even earn a Certificate in Pastoral Ministry. Click here to apply.

Phillips is the only Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) seminary offering this Certificate in Pastoral Ministry. Since 1906, Phillips has been educating those who serve the church and is pleased to continue the 120-year legacy of the Bible College of Missouri through the Center for Ministry and Lay Training.

As a student, you’ll not only learn from our top-notch faculty, but you’ll also build a network of others engaged in ministry. The Center for Ministry and Lay Training is not designed for those who want to do ministry the way it’s always been done. If you want to make a difference in this changing world, we’ll help you push beyond your comfort zone. Learn more about the program and upcoming course schedule.

Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry training consist of two steps and a small group Fieldwork experience. The first step is Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry: The Work of the Leader (FTML). The second step, Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry: The Work of the Congregation (FTMC) builds on the information and experiences of FTML. The curriculum is designed for experiential learning throughout. Participants read content prior to class so that they are able to use the information to understand specific transition situations as found in sacred stories or in congregational case studies. Even in the virtual world connections and conversation are a vital part of the IMN FTM training.


Clergy and lay leaders who are passionate about reducing Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence (DV/IPV) can sign up for a 5 hour training facilitated by Courtney Armento. The course is available for a discounted rate of $117 and is self-paced with occasional live sessions with Courtney for Q&A. In the course, you will discover what to say (and what not to say) to those experiencing DV/IVP so that you facilitate spaces of calm in the midst of their storm. You will become equipped to create safe spaces so that you can empower those going through DV/IVP to make conscious choices. With your help, we can turn around the toxic culture of DV/IVP that unfortunately many have experience in churches and reduce -- dare we say eliminate? -- DV/IVP in our communities. Sign up for the course here (CEU credits available)

Lexington Theological Seminary offers online courses and webinar series to help equip pastors, church leaders and members alike with tools to address a wide variety of issues facing congregations today. Please visit their website for a current schedule of upcoming courses.


Several ministries are offering online trainings and webinars for clergy and church leaders. One source is New Church Hacks, offered by New Church Ministry, a ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that trains, equips, assists and multiplies emerging and affiliating congregations and leaders. New Church Hacks provides clever solutions to tricky problems and empowers courageous leaders with the tools, tips and how-tos to start, sustain and strengthen congregations.

ChurchWest Insurance and their partners are busy developing tools to help your ministries in the weeks and months to come. Please visit their website to browse available webinars. CEU credits will be given based on the length of the webinar session (most sessions average one hour).

The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center provides speakers and education resources for churches of all denominations on biblical peace and justice issues, as well as conflict transformation skills training and training for church leaders grounded in family systems theory. It also provides mediation and consultation services for churches, schools, and other organizations. Please visit their website to browse available webinars and educational opportunities. CEU credits will be given based on the length of the webinar session.

Union Theological Seminary | Progressive theology has long taken shape at Union, where faith and scholarship meet to reimagine the work of justice. Grounded in the Christian tradition and responsive to the needs of God’s creation, a Union education prepares its students for committed lives of service to the church, academy, and society. A Union education develops practices of mind and body that foster intellectual and academic excellence, social justice, and compassionate wisdom. Union forms courageous faith leaders who make a difference wherever they serve. Please visit their website to browse available webinars and educational opportunities. CEU credits will be given based on the length of the webinar session.