New Camp Ministry Committee: 


You can trust that the new Camp Ministry Committee is working hard to provide leadership and structure for regional camp ministries that is welcoming, safe, fun, and spiritually edifying for Christians throughout the PSWR. For those who have been involved over the years, you already know that this is an important part of what makes camp so special. For those Pastors, Churches, and young people who haven't been to camp, we want you to know that we are dedicated to strengthen Christian faith in young lives and are working hard to do this in ways that honor the amazing diversity of our Church.

God is doing incredible things for camp ministry in our region, and we are excited by the work being done. In October 2018, the Camp Ministry Committee agreed on a set of new CORE VALUES for its ministry and service. We considered the importance of focusing on the ministry and life of Jesus Christ. We remembered the important tenet we all share as Disciples of Christ to include the entirety of God's family in the work that we do. We remembered that in order to have deeper relationships and trust, we must be willing to communicate and invest in the ministries of the local church by fulfilling the promise to provide safe, fun, and meaningful programming. We all want campers to feel God's love wherever they go! These new CORE VALUES demonstrate our commitment to serve the Regional Church to the best of our ability, and we look forward to the opportunity to live into them well. As an official regional committee, commission by the regional board to serve meaningful and appropriate programming for all regional camp ministries, the Camp Ministry Committee has prayerfully considered and agreed upon the following CORE VALUES: 

1) We make decisions based on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

2) We highly value the engagement of all regional communities

3) We focus on building relationships and having open communication with all Churches and Units of the PSWR

4) We prioritize the physical, emotional, and spiritual safety of all participants

5) We ensure Volunteer Preparedness by providing top-notch training and a deeper meaning to the service provided

If you feel that God might be calling you to join the work we are doing as a member of the Camp Ministry Committee, please contact Co-Chairs, Ian Pollard and Janette Jara - Together we can build bridges that connect young people with God and one another through Christ.


Covenant for PSWR Volunteers

Over the past 18 months, our regional youth and young adult ministry leaders have been working with pastors, volunteers, and denominational representatives to craft a covenant agreement for volunteers. Although it is difficult to identify healthy boundaries for every possible scenario, the attached covenant is thorough in giving examples of appropriate and inappropriate interactions. Articulating expectations and sharing examples of healthy interactions with minors is necessary in maintaining our commitment to program safety.

Long-term Action Plan

As with any specialized position, youth ministry leaders must be well equipped in areas of spiritual, physical, and emotional support. Your Regional Youth Ministry Leaders are committed to make certain excellent training is provided for all those seeking to serve. Over the next several years, we will implement volunteer training programming that will prepare leaders for service in the PSWR with youth. It is our goal that no one be concerned with safety when entrusting young people in the care of the Regional Church.

CAMP DIRECTORS – Please be sure this covenant is included in your camp training and that all volunteers sign the covenant prior to your camp check-in time.

Click here to download the Covenant



We have dreamed of achieving a level of sustainability in camp ministry that would allow all campers to attend camp at a very low cost. The PSWR and so many individuals have been tremendously generous in helping move us closer to achieving this dream. However, as expected, the operational costs of camp continue to rise each year. Likewise, the need for scholarship monies also increases as more folks attend camp. 

To move us closer to our goal to provide support for all campers who need help, Loch Leven has absorbed the cost of much of our summer camp operations, spreading the financial assistance to all who attend summer camp. This year, instead of inviting folks to fill out a scholarship application, Loch Leven is inviting each registrant to pay an amount that is discounted from the actual cost of camp. This means no additional paperwork is needed to receive a scholarship. Simply register online for camp, and please contact the Regional Office at 626-296-0385 if additional financial assistance is needed. Payment plans are available through the registration site.

We hope that simplifying the scholarship process will help us all engage mindful stewardship, working together to honor those who truly cannot afford camp.

Without a doubt, Summer Camp is one of the most valuable ministries we all provide young people in our region. We are proud to be able to partner with you in securing the future of camp ministry through your contributions, whatever the amount may be.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” – 1 Peter 4:10

To donate to our camp scholarships fund, click here and indicate “Camp Scholarships” in the comment section.

We are seeking counselors to lead Winter and Summer Camps in the upcoming year. If you are interested, please fill out the forms below, or reach out to

PSWR Counselor Interest Form (ages 18+)

CIT Interest Form (current 11th & 12th graders)