PSWR Disciples, as we gather in new ways during this time of uncertainty and rapid change, we are here for you as you serve your congregations online. Our communities, friends and family are being given an opportunity to witness the gospel message–one that will not be hindered and limited by our current circumstances. As difficult it may be, we are taking the church inside, out!
This webpage will outline some of the ways we can take the church inside, out. We will continue to update this page as new information becomes available, so if your congregation has a link to share please email it to Alisa Mittelstaedt at Please be sure to follow the PSWR Region on Facebook to stay up-to-date.
UPDATE: As we move closer toward re-opening our doors for worship, we invite you to prayerfully reflect on what will we do with what we’ve learned and how will it shape our continued being, living and moving as congregations and Region. In these next weeks, we will continue to reflect on who we became on the inside, what will we need going forward and how will we be experienced from the out. Read the latest letters from the General Minister and President and the College of Regional Ministers regarding re-opening churches for in-person gatherings.
Insurance Board offers a training video “Reopening During COVID-19: Considerations for Church Leadership and Clergy,” and it is available to all Insurance Board participants at no charge.
Up to date information regarding guidance for the COVID-19 virus can be found on websites for California Department of Public Health, Hawaii State Department of Health, and Nevada Health Response.
Guidance for Opening Places of Worship for the States of California and Hawaii. See below for more information about re-opening. For more information about California’s 4-tiered system, click here.
Listed below are the following topics:
Regional Support
Financial Resources & Online Giving
General Church Resources
Re-Opening Your Church for Worship
Statements from Disciples Ministries
Online Worship Services
Status of Upcoming Regional Events and Camps
Starting the week of March 23, 2020, the Regional Ministry Team hosted Zoom calls with over 130 pastors, over 30 local church moderators, ministry teams, and committees. The calls are conducted in English, Spanish and Korean. If your contact information has recently changed, please email Michel Johnson at
Rev. Richie Sanchez is also available to talk with church leaders about any concerns or support needed. Please email him at
We are here to assist with the use of Zoom and Facebook to connect virtually with church members and worship online. Please contact someone from the Regional Ministry Team for assistance with setting up on online worship format for your church. See below for a list of churches doing worship online. *UPDATE: Several congregations by request were connected with digital coaches and tech support to launch or develop their worship online.
Although the Regional Office is currently closed, operations for accounting will continue with normal scheduling. For a complete rundown of current operating procedures for the Disciples Ministry Center, please click here.
We are working to convene our Regional Leadership in the Acts 2 effort to help our congregations and pastors for a recovery. Our Zoom Calls with District, Convención and NAPAD Clergy will continue to help us to hear about the needs in our region. These will help us to make and announce future plans, accordingly. *UPDATE: Our Acts 2 Taskforce met and approved the initial disbursement of community response gifts to congregations (mailed) throughout our Region.These gifts help provide support during the pandemic for varied needs in the local or church community. Coming soon will be a Regional grant program for our congregations’ support towards recovery of mission and ministry.
Loch Leven will be focusing on improvements to the camp facility. For more details about Loch Leven’s plan during the pandemic, click here. To make a donation to Loch Leven, please follow this link.
Many of our congregations already have setup online giving to help continue serving their communities. For those that haven’t, an easy option to setup quickly is Givelify or Tithely. You can also visit the Center for Faith and Giving for a helpful article about Electronic Giving, or learn more about these best practices for stewardship in a time of crisis.
Churches are eligible for financial assistance through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act recently signed into law. The financial ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have prepared summaries of key components of the CARES ACT. You can access these documents here.
The PSWR Acts 2 (Inside Out) Congregation Recovery Grant was created to provide economic support to PSWR Congregations in order to meet basic needs created or exacerbated due to the effects of COVID-19. These funds are earmarked for direct congregational or community support in areas hardest hit and/or directly affected. Grants will vary and are based on request or needs. An availability may range $1,500 to $2,500. Download application instructions in English, Spanish or Korean.
Disciples Church Extension Fund is offering a service to assist congregations and other Disciples ministries in applying for a Payment Protection Program (PPP) loan. The service will help Disciples ministries to gather the required information and complete the application form, at no cost to the congregation. Learn more and request assistance here.
The National Benevolent Association (NBA) is offering grant funding to offer relief to ministries that have been detrimentally impacted and to support new projects created in service to those suffering because of the pandemic. We encourage you to visit and to learn more about the grants available and how to apply.
Churches can apply for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) of which the application deadline is fast approaching. This federal lending program can benefit churches that have exhausted their working capital or anticipate doing so due to the prolonged challenges presented by COVID-19. EIDL loans are available through the Small Business Administration, but the deadline to apply for one is December 21, 2020.
1) Grant Opportunity for California CBOs to Address Underlying Inequities in the Social Determinants of Health that Lead to Inequitable COVID-19 Impacts - due March 2, 2021 The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Office of Health Equity (OHE) will be administering $5M from the Centers for Disease and Control Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Grant (totaling $499M) to ~16-30 community based organizations led by and serving communities facing inequities in COVID-19 impacts and infection. This funding is intended to advance the State’s work to close racial, ethnic, and other disparities related to COVID-19 and associated chronic conditions. Community-Based Organizations will use the funding for pilot projects to reduce underlying inequities in the social determinants of health that have contributed to disproportionate harm from the Coronavirus among certain communities. The COVID-19 Health Equity Pilot Projects RFA is now live on the Office of Health Equity (OHE) RFA Webpage and the Grant Portal Webpage.
For a complete list of financial resources available to churches, pastors and congregation members, visit the April 6th newsletter from the Disciples News Service, or (COVID-19 financial considerations).
General church resources
Our General Church has put together a page with several great resources for congregations and their leadership. This information includes resources for worship services, health information and response to the COVID-19 outbreak, tutorials for live streaming worship services, sanitizing your church, and more. Visit the page at Check back frequently as the page will continue to be updated.
For churches in need of tech resources, the General Church offers this Tech Corps website. It contains helpful information about sound/audio engineering, cameras, video editing, lighting equipment, livestreaming, IT network connection, and more!
National Benevolent Association's Mental Health & Wellness Initiative team offers various online sessions at Another helpful resource for mental health support:
Disciples Home Missions, Families and Children’s Ministries has created a page of resources and programming for leaders, faith at home, curriculum, intergenerational activities, blogs, articles, summer programs for the COVID-19 season.
Up to date information regarding guidance for the COVID-19 virus can be found on websites for California Department of Public Health, Hawaii State Department of Health, and Nevada Health Response.
Insurance Board offers a comprehensive resource of relevant new legislation, insurance coverage and overall best practices to guide churches during the COVID-19 pandemic.
re-opening your church for worship
April 30, 2020: Read the latest letters from the General Minister and President and the College of Regional Ministers regarding re-opening churches for in-person gatherings
May 25, 2020: Guidance for Opening Places of Worship for the States of California and Hawaii
ChurchWest Insurance Services offers webinars and online resources for re-opening your church, and addresses topics like cleaning, choirs, and facility preparation.
When should you re-open your church for worship? Helpful articles offering guidelines and criteria can be found here:
”Judge rules against Kansas governor’s order limiting in-person church gatherings”
”24 Questions Your Church Should Answer Before People Return”August 28, 2020: California’s blueprint for reducing COVID-19 in the state with revised criteria for loosening and tightening restrictions on activities in a 4-tiered system.
October 8, 2020: Insurance Board offers a training video “Reopening During COVID-19: Considerations for Church Leadership and Clergy,” and it is available to all Insurance Board participants at no charge.
Returning to the Workplace Safely Resource Guide from
Congregations throughout the Los Angeles area are invited to watch this “Back to School” orientation video from the Superintendent of the LA Unified School District.
Message from General Minister and President, Rev. Teresa “Terri” Hord Owens and the College of Regional Ministers regarding re-opening the physical doors of the Church. April 30, 2020
Video Message from Regional Minister and President Richie Sanchez, March 24, 2020
Video Message from General Minister and President Terri Hord Owens, March 20, 2020
Message from Regional Minister Richie Sanchez, March 11, 2020
Listed below are congregations within our region who are bringing church “inside out” with video-based worship services online. The links will direct you to either their website or facebook pages, where worship information can be found. Please contact Alisa Mittelstaedt at to add your church to this list, or to make changes to your link.
Contact someone from the Regional Ministry Team if you need assistance with setting up on online worship format for your church.
Ideas and resources for worshiping virtually can be found here, including tips for livestreaming, music licensing, prayers, and more.
If you are not on Facebook, here is an example of a church that posted videos of worship on youtube and linked them to their website.
If you are not tech savvy, is a site that allows you to record or type a message, select recipients (a phone number list, etc.), and contacts everyone with your message with the push of one button. It is helpful for announcements, and a quick daily inspirational quote. There is a fee for this service.
Another website to consider is to bring the community together for prayer and a homily.
We invite you to look at how these these churches in our region are presenting worship online:
A glimpse of online worship throughout the Pacific Southwest Region
First Christian Church, Burbank
Website | Facebook
Little White Chapel
Website | Facebook
Saegil Christian Church
Website | Facebook
Iglesia Cristiana Casa de Refugio
Website | Facebook
Downey Memorial Christian Church
Website | Facebook
Community Worship Center
Central Christian Church
Website | Facebook
theBLEND Church Family
Website | Facebook
Ramona Avenue Christian Church
Website | Facebook
Bixby Knolls Christian Church
Website | Facebook
North Long Beach Christian Church
Website | Facebook
Abundant Life Christian Church
Website | Facebook
All Peoples Christian Church
Website | Facebook
East 105th Street Christian Church
Faith Christian Church
Filipino Disciples Christian Church
Gateway Christian Church
Website | Facebook
McCarty Memorial Christian Church
Website | Facebook
Mission Hills Christian Church
Website | Facebook
First Christian Church, North Hollywood
Website | Facebook
Iglesia del Valle
Mission Gathering Christian Church
Website | Facebook
First Christian Church, Pomona
Website | Facebook
South Pasadena Christian Church
Website | Facebook
Primera Iglesia Cristiana de Sun Valle
First Christian Church, Torrance
Website | Facebook
Church of the Valley
Website | Facebook
Iglesia del Valle
11471 Van Owen Street | 818-786-6157
Casa de Oracion de Fullerton
Website | Facebook
First Christian Church, Fullerton
Website | Facebook
Orangethorpe Christian Church
Website | Facebook
Harbor Christian Church
Website | Facebook
Sallims Christian Church
First Christian Church, Orange
Website | Facebook
Church of the Foothills
Website | Facebook
First Christian Church, Beaumont
United Church of the Valley
Website | Facebook
First Christian Church, Riverside
Iglesia Nueva Vida
Website | Facebook
First Christian Church, Ontario
Website | Facebook
Iglesia Cristiana Emanuel
Centro de Alabanza Emanuel
Centro Familiar Cristiano Restauracion (San Bernardino)
First Christian Church, San Bernardino
Website | Facebook
Vista La Mesa Christian Church (La Mesa)
Website | Facebook
Oceanside Sanctuary Christian Church
Website | Facebook
Beloved San Diego
Website | Facebook
Casa de Oracion (San Diego)
Website | Facebook
Iglesia Fe, Esperanza y Amor Christian Church (San Diego)
Mission Gathering Christian Church (San Diego)
Website | Facebook
Pacific Beach Christian Church (San Diego)
Website | Facebook
In this age of COVID-19, it is hard to predict the future. But we know that once quarantines and shutdowns are lifted, we will have a deep hunger to congregate, to gather, to be church with one another.
So we are continuing to plan upcoming events and summer camps, and we invite you to go ahead and register. If, as we get closer to the events, it is determined we have to cancel, we will contact everyone who registers and issue full refunds. But in the meantime, let’s plan for life to go on and to share these wonderful opportunities to experience the holiness of Christian community here in the Pacific Southwest Region.
Summer Church Camp — A decision has not yet been made regarding 2021 summer camps. To make a donation to Loch Leven, click here.
MLK Jr. Celebration on January 31 will be held virtually.