Board Calls New Regional Minister
We are pleased to announce that on Saturday, June 15th, 2019, the Regional Board unanimously and enthusiastically called Rev. Richie Sanchez to serve as the next Regional Minister of the Pacific Southwest Region, and he has accepted the call. Praise God! Richie will complete his service as the Interim Regional Minister of the Arizona Region this summer.
Next steps include final contract negotiations, introductions at General Assembly and other events, moving (Richie from Arizona and his wife from Indianapolis), and the election of Rev. Sanchez as the President and CEO of the PSWR at the Regional Gathering on October 19, 2019. Please pray for Richie and his wife, Jasmine, and our current Regional staff during this time of transition.
His first day in the Regional Office will be September 23. To Contact Richie, call the Regional Office at (626) 296-0385 or email Janelle ( or Susan ( To learn more about Richie Sanchez, click here. For more information about the Regional Minister search process, click here.