loch leven Highlights:
Your contributions to Loch Leven Camperships support the Regional Leadership Development of our youth and helps assure the all regional youth have the opportunity to experience camp at Loch Leven - Our Regional Camp!
Over 225 children and youth attended our Loch Leven camps in 2014
Over 140 of these youth received a full or partial camperships
The winter camping programs have continued to grow, including the Jr High JANboree at Loch Leven and Feb Camp at Pilgrim Pines
Loch Leven has recently completed a Master Planning process which outlines exciting future projects for the Loch Leven facility
These improvements will create new opportunities for more campers, different styles of camps and added program features
Already the camp has completed major updates including the Campbell Lodge Renovation, new creek viewing spots, and the new Gazebo meeting spaces.
Loch Leven is a more than 100 acre property and works year-round on forest preservation projects, which help to preserve the camp for future generations to enjoy.
To see more about what is happening at Loch Leven come visit us soon!