loch leven Highlights:

Your contributions to Loch Leven Camperships support the Regional Leadership Development of our youth and helps assure the all regional youth have the opportunity to experience camp at Loch Leven - Our Regional Camp!

  • Over 225 children and youth attended our Loch Leven camps in 2014 

  • Over 140 of these youth received a full or partial camperships

  • The winter camping programs have continued to grow, including the Jr High JANboree at Loch Leven and Feb Camp at Pilgrim Pines

  • Loch Leven has recently completed a Master Planning process which outlines exciting future projects for the Loch Leven facility

  • These improvements will create new opportunities for more campers, different styles of camps and added program features

  • Already the camp has completed major updates including the Campbell Lodge Renovation, new creek viewing spots, and the new Gazebo meeting spaces. 

  • Loch Leven is a more than 100 acre property and works year-round on forest preservation projects, which help to preserve the camp for future generations to enjoy. 

  • To see more about what is happening at Loch Leven come visit us soon!