Registration Deadline: February 17, 2016

Registration Cost: $32.50 per person (does not include Hotel overnight stay)


Arrival information: Friday, March 4, 5:00 p.m.  Convocation Registration will be located in Sippel Hall. Service Project drop-off, exhibits and marketplace will all be available.

MarketplaceTen Thousand Villages – preview items at

Cool Kids Convocation: Children in grades K through Sixth are invited to participate in the Cool Kids Convocation that will be held on site.  Please fill out the Cool Kids Application (available in registration packet and online at and Health Consent Form (online only at and submit with payment to address on application. Cost is $10.00 per child

Infant Care: Provided on-site in FCC Torrance Nursery at the cost of $10.00 per child.

Scholarships: Scholarship grants are available by application. Please fill out the Scholarship Application (available in registration packet and online at and submit with convocation registration.

Donation: Prayerfully consider a donation to assist another woman to attend.  If you can’t attend please consider making a donation to sponsor a woman to attend.



Session A—10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Session B—1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

All workshops are offered for both Session A & Session B


The Hidden Benefits of Living as an Open & Affirming Congregation—Room 2

We usually think of being Open & Affirming as benefitting “them” (Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual & Transgendered people), but there are a number of hidden benefits that come from being a congregation that truly welcomes all.

About the workshop leaders: The Rev. Nancy Brink and María Pérez are married and the parents of one daughter. Nancy is the Director of Church Relations at Chapman University and Maria teaches Spanish at Chapman and Brandman Universities. Maria had given leadership to GLAD (Gay, Lesbian & Affirming Disciples), both in the General Church and the Pacific Southwest Region. They love travel, entertaining, and great books.


Only Believe: Covenant Circle Storytelling—Room 3
What's it like to experience the tragic loss of a teenage son?  To live in the emotional pain and suffering is more than meets the eye.  The crushing silence affects you as you wrestle with your faith.  Your story is important and it needs to be told. With God all things are possible when women connect to God and one another through covenant sharing, scripture text, and prayer.

About the workshop leader: Rev. Paulette Norris serves as the Associate Pastor and Minister of Discipleship for Westside Church of God in Fresno, California. She coordinates small ministry groups, Fat Tuesday Bible Study and enjoys it all.  Her six adult children and thirteen grandchildren that call her "Gigi" are the joy of her life even when it gets a little crazy!


Sacred Movement—Room 7

Movement and dance can be forms of prayer, stress relief, exercise, centering, storytelling, play, and much more.  If you’re interested in any of these forms—regardless of age, ability, or experience—this workshop is for you!  Come and experience simple, accessible forms of movement that will lift your spirit!

About the workshop leader: Cathy Perring


Interfaith Awareness—Old Office

As we follow local and global currents events, it is important now more than ever to be able to dialogue with our sisters and brothers from various faith and non-faith communities.  Join Chapman University Church Relations staff and the Disciples on Campus students as they lead the group through different interactive experience that will help to expand our knowledge of interfaith awareness and grow our heart and spirit.


About the workshop leader: Cisa Payuyo is the Associate Director of Church Relations at Chapman University, Orange, California. 


Something Different Just for You!

• Need a break and a chance to rest your mind and soul?  Desire an activity less structured? This time belongs to you. Enjoy! 

• Need to pray or need someone to pray with you.  Please visit the prayer chapel for some quiet time and prayer.  Chaplains will be available for prayer, if needed.

• Service Project – Sort and organize mission project donations for Family Promise and HIS House.   Many hands make light work!

 • Join the knitting circle in the Fireside room or if you are able to climb stairs you may knit in the FCC prayer shawl room surrounded by yarn and prayer shawls.

 • Sit out on the lawn or around the church campus wherever you can make yourself comfortable and just enjoy the surroundings while reading, writing, catching up with an old or new friend or whatever brings you peace.