Loch Leven Camp and Conference Center, shown above, has been the home of all PSWR camps since 1957.

The Christian Church Pacific Southwest Region sponsors various youth camps throughout the year at its own camp and conference center, Loch Leven, located in the Mountain Home Village area of the lower San Bernardino mountains. In the summer, week-long residential camp sessions are offered at Loch Leven for ages 3 through 18 (recent high school graduates).

Summer camps are organized by the Camp Ministry Committee of the Disciples of Christ Pacific Southwest Region and implemented entirely by dedicated volunteers made up of former campers, pastors, parents and young adults from around the Region. This program invites campers to explore, learn, and have adventures on Loch Leven's sunny 160 acres filled with streams, meadows, gardens, hiking trails, and wildlife.  In October 2018, the Camp Ministry Committee agreed on a set of new CORE VALUES for its ministry and service.

Winter Camp takes place over the Presidents’ weekend in February for Chi Rho/middle school (grades 6-8) and CYF/high school (grades 9-12).

Camp can be a vital experience in the spiritual and social development of young people. You can help our youth attend by giving money toward "camperships" (camp scholarships) online. As always, your generous contributions to the PSWR camp program are tax deductible. 

Our 2024 Summer Camp program will explore Disciples faith practices and equip young people with tools to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, all while having fun and meeting new friends at Loch Leven’s beautiful camp.


JULY 21-24 | WEE CAMP (Ages 3-Kindergarten (entering in the fall); the child attends with parent/guardian) Deadline to register has passed.

JULY 21-24 | MINI CAMP (Campers entering grades 1-3 in the fall)
Deadline to register has passed.

JULY 21-26 | JUNIOR CAMP (Campers entering grades 4-5 in the fall)
Deadline to register has passed.

Note: Jubilee Camp will combine Wee Camp, Mini Camp and Junior Camp for some programming and to share meals. Campers will be separated for cabin accommodations and programming specific to their age group.

Check in will begin at 4 pm the first day of camp, with checkout at 11 am on the final day.

QUESTIONS? Please contact the PSWR Office at 626-296-0385 or reception@docpswr.org with any questions about payments, scholarships, general camp questions, or trouble with the online registration system.


El programa del Campamento de Verano 2024 explorará las prácticas de fe de los Discípulos y equipará a los jóvenes con herramientas para fortalecer su fe en Jesucristo, mientras se divierten y conocen nuevos amigos en el hermoso campamento de Loch Leven.


21-24 DE JULIO
(Edades de 3 a Kinder; el niño asiste con el padre/tutor)

21-24 DE JULIO

(Ingresando a los grados 1-3)

21-26 DE JULIO
(Ingresando a los grados 4-5)

El check in (entrada) comenzará a las 4 p. m. el primer día del campamento y el check out (salida) a las 11 a. m. el último día.

Comuníquese con la oficina de PSWR al 626-296-0385 o recepción@docpswr.org si tiene alguna pregunta sobre pagos, becas, preguntas generales sobre el campamento o problemas con el sistema de inscripción en línea.


2024년 여름 캠프 프로그램은 청소년들이 Loch Leven의 아름다운 캠프에서 즐거운 시간을 보내고 새로운 친구들을 만나면서 제자회의 신앙을 탐구하고 예수 그리스도에 대한 믿음을 강화하는 도구를 갖추게 될 것입니다.

NEW! JUBILEE 캠프, 7월 21-26일

7월 21-24일, WEE 캠프
(가을에 3살-킨더; 부모님/보호자와 참여 요망) 접수 마감일은 7월 7일 자정입니다.

7월 21-24일, MINI 캠프
(가을에 1-3학년 입학 예정자)
접수 마감일은 7월 7일 자정입니다.

7월 21-26일, JUNIOR 캠프
(가을에 4-5학년 입학 예정자)
접수 마감일은 7월 7일 자정입니다.

참고: Jubilee캠프는 프로그램과 식사를 공유하기 위해 Wee, Mini, Junior 캠프를 통합한 캠프입니다. 단, 참가자들의 연령대에 맞는 숙소와 프로그램은 각각 진행될 예정입니다. 

체크인은 캠프 첫날 오후 4시에 시작되며, 체크아웃은 캠프 마지막날 오전 11시에 진행됩니다.

문의사항: 결제, 장학금, 캠프 전반에 관한 질문, 온라인 등록 시스템 관련 문제 등 궁금한 점이 있으시면 PSWR 사무실의 626-296-0385 또는 reception@docpswr.org로 문의주십시오.


SEND MAIL (USPS) TO YOUR CAMPER at 36910 Mill Creek Road, Mentone, CA 92359

FOR A LIST OF WHAT TO PACK, VISIT www.lochleven.org/what-to-pack

CONTACT INFORMATION up at Loch Leven (in case of emergency) will be sent to you by your camp directors prior to the start of your camp session.

Guidelines for the health and safety of all campers, counselors and directors have been put in place for the camps. Download here.

Slideshows from past Camps

Take a look at our campers’ experience during their week at Loch Leven in years past. Summer camp is full of fun adventures and stories, bringing kids closer to God, and bonding in a wonderful and natural location.


We have dreamed of achieving a level of sustainability in camp ministry that would allow all campers to attend camp at a very low cost. The PSWR and so many individuals have been tremendously generous in helping move us closer to achieving this dream. However, as expected, the operational costs of camp continue to rise each year. Likewise, the need for scholarship monies also increases as more folks attend camp. 

To move us closer to our goal to provide support for all campers who need help, Loch Leven has absorbed the cost of much of our summer camp operations, spreading the financial assistance to all who attend summer camp. This year, instead of inviting folks to fill out a scholarship application, Loch Leven is inviting each registrant to pay the amount that best meets your financial situation. This means no additional paperwork is needed to receive a scholarship. Simply register for camp and select the payment option that best suits your family. 

We hope that simplifying the scholarship process will help us all engage mindful stewardship, working together to honor those who truly cannot afford camp. We ask that as you select your payment options during registration that you will give prayerful consideration to the impact you can make in the lives of other young campers. 

Without a doubt, Summer Camp is one of the most valuable ministries we all provide young people in our region. We are proud to be able to partner with you in securing the future of camp ministry through your contributions, whatever the amount may be. 

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” – 1 Peter 4:10

To donate to our camp scholarships fund, click here and indicate “Camp Scholarships” in the comment section.