Hi everyone!  We have so much to share!  But we will keep this short and sweet! 

Early September, leading up to the start of our fall cohort, we launched a series of conversations called Future and Faith.  This series consisted of three conversations: A theologian, a practitioner and some of our own spiritual entrepreneurs.  Everyone is having conversations about the future of faith.  We are having them, we know you’re having them and we wanted to have them together. 

We are launching our next series on Future and Faith November 13th.  It is a FREE ONLINE event.  All you have to do is sign up!  You will receive a link to the first conversation an hour before it drops on November 13th.  The same will happen over the next two days with the other two conversations.  Theologian and Philosopher John Caputo will be our first conversation.  We are so excited and honored to be doing this with him! 

Our second conversation will be with our friends over at the CenterForm incubator, John and Kathryn Heinz.  These conversations are going to be amazing and we would love for you to join us!  Click here to sign up for free! 

You can also get linked to our earlier Future and Faith event and re-watch our conversations with Peter Rollins, our theologian and Sue Phillips from the How We Gather incubator.  We have created a page just for the PSWR so you will be able to sign up for Future and Faith but also find out about what else we are up to. 

In other news we had a great Regional Assembly!  We absolutely loved connecting with so many of you and hearing about what you are currently doing in your ministries and in your lives! 

Looking forward to talking with you all again soon! 
Maria French and the Hatchery LA Team

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt