Sometimes it is hard to find the balance between celebrating specific cultures and finding our common identity as followers of Christ. On November 23, the Youth Immersion Ministry explored the importance of both at the Chinese Lantern Festival in Pomona and discussed YIM’s mission to honor cultural differences while remembering that we all have common identity. Young people from across our region engaged in conversation around racial stereotypes and how those stereotypes often shape the way we see value in cultures.

While visiting the festival, it became clear that understanding how cultures function in the United States is not very easy. We are a diverse community and yet we often congregate in groups that are most familiar to us. This can provide safe space, but it can also perpetuate segregation. With intentionality, we can be the kind of Church that seeks to create safe space for everyone all the time. We can be the kind of Church that allows authenticity of cultural expressions while together.

Revelation 7 paints a prophetic picture of this vision. Christ’s revelation to John includes all nations, tribes, and languages joining together around the throne of God. It is hopeful to think that one day we might all be able to use our diverse expressions and stories to honor God TOGETHER. We believe that this is what YIM is all about: learning ways to serve Love together, not by conforming to a dominant expression, but by diversifying what is common to all of us.

Having opportunities like the Chinese Lantern Festival guides our journey toward ONE CHURCH. YIM offers a special ‘Thank you’ to all those who support the work we do. Also, ‘Thank you’ to NAPAD leaders, Young Jun Yang and Young Lan Kim, for sharing their insights and providing leadership for young people that is welcoming and gracious.

We are building a new church together where all cultures are honored as an expression of God’s unending creativity and love! If you know a young person who might like the opportunity to join this movement, please encourage them to speak to their pastor about it and visit our Youth Ministry page to download more information about the Youth Immersion Ministry (YIM).

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt