Next month, our region has the opportunity to hear about what is happening in Democratic Republic of Congo.  Paul Turner has been working as Mission Co-Worker, serving with Global Ministries of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) & United Church of Christ partner, Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo (CDCC).  His role was to consult with various CDCC departments on a growing portfolio of development activities such as micro lending, agriculture, clean water, healthcare, vocational training & income generating projects.  His current work involves management consulting for a CDCC operated social enterprise selling eyeglasses to support the establishment of an eye care center at Bolenge Hospital.  He also supports the Women’s Vocational Center with recruitment & planning, and the health department’s partnership with Disciples4Water.

He will be visiting our Region May 1-31, 2019 and available to make presentations to your congregation in a variety of ways.  During this time he will be based in the LA area.  Global Ministries requests that a receiving congregation provide meals for the time he is with you and/or hospitality, as needed.  Please contact Susan Richardson (see below) right away to request a date and time during for him to present to your congregation, organization, ministry meeting, etc.  After his years serving in the Congo, he has much to convey to our Region.

Contact Susan Richardson at  or (510)506-2590

From the PSWR Global Ministries Committee

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt