Happy New Year!!
We have lived, learned, dimmed or brightened, and still a step back or two may be needed to review our year. In its depths we might have gained wisdom, and from its heights, reasons to express gratitude for all of its best. Thankfully, whether it was filled with lots of mountaintops or valley lows, it can now be accepted as last year. The gospel of Matthew 2 (NRSV) offers us the story of a few, culminating their searching with a vital question and a life changing Epiphany. In our time, we might do well to orient our searching, journeying and sacred efforts with this same question, “Where is the child?” In this new year, it is my hope that our collective work and ministry will continue working to ask this question, faithfully and tangibly.
When I take a step back in review, our short three months together have offered so much beauty and still important learnings (lifelong). I’ve been in our congregations and with clergy, witnessing the sacred efforts that are bringing about new life in the midst of a hurting world. We are blessed in this region with astounding diversity. I believe we can and will discover new ways in relationship to lead our congregations and regional ministry into a weaving made of love. We will do this by looking at our reality, addressing challenges of our world, living out our call to love one another and sharing our faith, the very basis of our existence. I believe we’re even more beautiful when we can welcome, share and celebrate the sacred in each other working in and all around us. I’m thrilled about all that is being done. I know we have only just begun!
It is in the book of Lamentations; we will find that the Holy One’s graces and “mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.” If last year was a lament or challenge, why not approach this year, month and day facing our challenges with the expectations of new mercies and grace? If it can be seen with our own actions alone, then this new year can present for this world, tangible and faithful activity. Our Holy One’s grace is as before, here for you and I, never coming to an end. Before us, the Epiphany, with excitement about the newness that is here and is still to come.
Let’s stay in care and prayer for each other.