Regional Assembly Recap
Two weeks ago, October 18-19, 2024, over 400 Disciples from throughout the Pacific Southwest Region and beyond, came to celebrate our Regional Assembly at the Disciples Ministry Center and First Christian Church, Fullerton, CA. We enjoyed the presence and keynote speaking of our General Minster and President, Rev. Terri Hord-Owens, who encouraged us in our shared future and announced the ongoing church-wide work. We learned our General Assembly will work to foster a new way of being and culture, resolving to: Listen. Learn. Discern. Decide. Act. We had a Bible lecture on Matthew 22:39 from the Rev. Dr. Eric C. Smith, Associate Professor, Iliff School of Theology, Denver, CO. We raised two special offerings (over $1,000 each) for our General Ministry partners: Global Ministries and National Benevolent Association. We had inspiring workshops, music, enjoyed meals, snacks, visited with vendors, and met for regional business with an assembly action approving the recommendation of my re-election to serve as your Regional Minister for a second term (2026 – 2031). There is more information, and wonderful photos on our post event webpage,
Shared Future
In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus is recorded as saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” We must pause and give thanks for the leaders of our Regional Assembly’s Children’s program, Rev. Tanya Lopez, Pastor and Mrs. Muriel Bourke, Moderator at Downey Memorial Christian Church, Downey, CA. Our Regional Assembly theme, “Love your neighbor as yourself” came alive in our children, they helped us to see and experience “Love in Action” for our neighbors, theirs is the kingdom of heaven. They planned a service project, collecting non-perishable food items and crafts for our Eastmont Community Center, Los Angeles, neighbors. One of the “Marks of a Faithful Region,”(1) is enabling congregations to do things together that cannot be done alone. We were able to see the amazing things our congregations’ children can do when united around one common cause - Love. This beautiful demonstration and presentation can be seen during our Regional Assembly’s closing worship service on the Disciples PSWR YouTube Channel.
We know “the Gospels tell the story of Jesus, each from a different perspective.” While, the three Gospels written seem to have translated word for word the cited scripture listed above. Each perspective and context provide more to learn about and understand. How do we hear a story and engage in the narrative? What about our own stories? How do we engage in each other’s narratives? This is precisely, why I am so excited to welcome the Church Narrative Project to the PSWR.
On December 13-14, 2024, at the Disciples Ministry Center we will host the Rev. Dr. David Anderson Hooker, who will lead us in a facilitated process of interaction and dialogue. The Church Narrative Project has traveled throughout our denomination in over a dozen regions, already. We are blessed to have their availability to visit with us in just about six weeks. Please read more about the Church Narrative Project on: One of the guiding scriptures Dr. Hooker engages in the process is Luke 17:21 (NRSV) “nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’ For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.” Amen.
Thank you for this opportunity to serve our region and church into: “A Shared Future.”