FRIday, October 18

9:00 am Pre-Event: HR Bootcamp, Presented by ChurchWest Insurance
Room N220/Separate Registration is required for attendance

11:00 am Exhibitors Setup Courtyard

12:00 pm Childcare and Children’s Programming Begins

12:00 pm Registration and Visit Exhibitors Courtyard

1:00 pm Opening Celebration Sanctuary (Live Streamed)

2:00 pm Educational Opportunity 1 Various Locations

3:15 pm Business Session 1 and State of the Church
by Rev. Terri Hord-Owens Sanctuary (Live Streamed)

5:00 pm Dinner and Presentation from Pension Fund Courtyard (Children join parents)

6:15 pm Evening Worship Sanctuary (Live Streamed)
Childcare/Children’s Programming offered until 15 min after worship ends

7:30 pm Desserts with DSF Fellowship Hall

saturday, October 19

7:30 am Exhibitors Setup Courtyard

8:00 am Registration and Visit Exhibitors Courtyard
Continental Breakfast Fellowship Hall

8:00 am Childcare and Children’s Programming Begins

8:30 am Morning Music Sanctuary

8:45 am Opening Celebration and Bible Lecture Sanctuary (Live Streamed)

10:00 am Educational Opportunity 2 Various Locations

11:00 am Business Session 2 and State of the Region by Rev. Richie Sanchez
Sanctuary (Voting will take place/Live Streamed)

12:30 pm Lunch & Visit Exhibitors Fellowship Hall/Courtyard (Children join parents)

1:15 pm Afternoon Childcare and Children’s Programming Begins

1:30 pm Educational Opportunity 3 Various Locations

2:30 pm Closing Worship Sanctuary (Live Streamed)
Childcare/Children’s Programming offered until 15 min after worship ends

3:45 pm Closing Reception Courtyard