“Responding to our need/s, building, and finding time for retreat along the way.”
In this short article, I wanted to share with you a few pictures of my presence in a variety of places on behalf of our region. You might enjoy these smiling faces of students, much like in your congregations preparing for graduation. I was glad to attend the Disciples Seminary Foundation’s Certificate of Ministry Studies Program graduation held at Iglesia de Sun Valley.
Grateful for the many invitations to visit and preach in our congregations. I’m pictured here with Pastors Isay Alvarez and Tania Vargas, Primera Iglesia Discipulos de Cristo de Vista.
There are more capital improvements happening at Loch Leven Camp & Retreat Center, Mentone, CA. We continue in a spirit of gratitude for the many donors who continue to support our legacy. We’re excited and looking forward to another great summer camp program, this year!
There is so much to share and capture for you. We’ll write more robustly, next month. Here is one more photo, a time for retreat. Hope you too, can find time for a retreat and rest. More to come.
We continue to invite us all, more earnestly, to prayer for each other. Here is our prayer calendar: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53279756e4b07a87f2c725f8/t/6398b98e4478a078ef24ab88/1670953358264/2023PrayerCalendar.pdf
Let us prayerfully, “Arise, Anew.”