The Region is updating all staff email addresses. This change will standardize and, in most cases, shorten our email address in order to decrease typos and misdirected communication. Don’t worry. Staff will continue to receive emails sent to their previous email addresses as well, but all outgoing emails will now coming from the new email addresses listed below. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to strive to equip leaders in the PSW with effective administration skills (and tools) and to expect excellence in all aspects of administrative leadership.

Rev. Susan Gonzales Dewey
Co-Regional Minister/CEO

Rev. Don Dewey
Co-Regional Minister/President

Bruce Indermill
Senior Administrator

Branden Hendricks
Administrative Assistant

Janelle Vannoy
Administrative Assistant

Michel Johnson
Support Staff & Camp Registrar

Alisa Fraumeni Mittelstaedt
Communications Coordinator

Rev. JoAnn Bynum
Associate Regional Minister
Director, African-American Ministries

Rev. Francisco Ramos
Associate Regional Minister
Director, Hispanic Ministries


Rev. Young Lan Kim
Associate Regional Minister
Co-Director, NAPAD

Rev. Young Jun Yang
Associate Regional Minister
Co-Director, NAPAD

Rev. BJ Barlow
Associate Regional Minister
Youth & Young Adult Ministries

Tanya Lopez
Disciples Women Ministry

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt

It is not too late to register for the 2019 General Assembly in Des Moines, IA. You can participate in up to six different workshops, help out with local missions, hear inspiring music and sermons, have a little fun in an escape room or with the local “Good Times” committee and get a handle on what Disciples are up to across the globe.

Your registration covers the regular workshops and exhibit hall access. Children and youth alike have structured activities and there are local missions to participate in as well. You can get ready for the event with eight Bible studies that focus on the theme text of the 2019 General Assembly.

If you have already registered for GA and would like to adjust you registration to add meals or change education choices, you can re-enter the registration system with your code and make those adjustments.

MissionFest! applications are still being accepted from congregational leaders. Fore more information about MissionFest! or to fill out an application, click here.

Housing Options
For housing options, visit The Upper Midwest region in matching up General Assembly participants with alternative lodging stays via their website. Please Contact the regional office directly with any questions.

PSWR Leaders
The PSWR is proud to present three leaders at the 2019 General Assembly! Ruben Del Pilar will be one of the preachers, Belva Brown Jordan will be Moderator Elect and Bill Bailey will be the Parliamentarian.

Pre Assembly Trainings

DSF Discover is thrilled to provide TWO trainings will prepare you for GA 2019 Resolutions. For more information about these trainings, visit our CEU page.

Additional Workshops
If you have already registered, you may not be aware of two Sunday workshops and one on Monday that were recently opened. On Sunday, Transgender 101 and Trans People, Human Stories will be offered consecutively. On Sunday, Refugee Simulation will be offered, followed by a Q&A session with Disciples Home Missions Refugee and Immigration Ministry. On Monday in the second session, The State of Engagement in Your Church, a workshop on church management software by Blackbaud will be offered. For more information about educational workshops, click here.

Young Adults
Young Adults (ages 18-35) will have an opportunity to have some guided conversations on tough topics during the General Assembly. For conversation topics, click here.

PSWR Reception
On Monday, July 22, the Region will be hosting a Reception at 8:45 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in Room EIC 308. Find the complete Reception Schedule here.

Post-Assembly Event
Disciples Public Presence and other justice organizations in the Church are organizing an action at the Iowa state capitol on Wednesday, June 24, around noon. Boxed lunches are available for purchase. For more details about this event, click here.

For more information about General Assembly 2019, visit

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt

Next month, our region has the opportunity to hear about what is happening in Democratic Republic of Congo.  Paul Turner has been working as Mission Co-Worker, serving with Global Ministries of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) & United Church of Christ partner, Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo (CDCC).  His role was to consult with various CDCC departments on a growing portfolio of development activities such as micro lending, agriculture, clean water, healthcare, vocational training & income generating projects.  His current work involves management consulting for a CDCC operated social enterprise selling eyeglasses to support the establishment of an eye care center at Bolenge Hospital.  He also supports the Women’s Vocational Center with recruitment & planning, and the health department’s partnership with Disciples4Water.

He will be visiting our Region May 1-31, 2019 and available to make presentations to your congregation in a variety of ways.  During this time he will be based in the LA area.  Global Ministries requests that a receiving congregation provide meals for the time he is with you and/or hospitality, as needed.  Please contact Susan Richardson (see below) right away to request a date and time during for him to present to your congregation, organization, ministry meeting, etc.  After his years serving in the Congo, he has much to convey to our Region.

Contact Susan Richardson at  or (510)506-2590

From the PSWR Global Ministries Committee

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt

By Rev. Don Dewey and Rev. Susan Gonzales Dewey, Co-Regional Ministers

“I am about to do a new thing;
 now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”
Isaiah 43:19a

Driving almost anywhere here in Southern California one can’t help but notice that Spring has arrived! Thanks to all of the early rains we had the mountains and hills are alive with color and as green as they can be! It is absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. Even as I walk around my yard, flowers are blooming, roses are budding, bees are buzzing, and hummingbirds are flittering here, there and everywhere!

All of these are the annual signs of nature’s rebirth. It is no wonder that the early Christian communities placed the Resurrection stories of new life in the Spring cycle. Though here in Southern California it is somewhat hard to fully appreciate the warm sunshine of Spring as much as others across the country who endured a harsher winter, we none-the-less welcome the fresh signs of new life emerging around us. 

As we travel around our Region, Susan and I are privileged to not only see the beauty of nature coming alive, but we also experience where new life is emerging amongst God’s people. We celebrate the new life happening at South Pasadena Christian Church where a new bilingual Bible Study in Spanish and English is being developed. This congregation is now tri-lingual with English, Korean and Spanish!

 We celebrate the new hope growing in our youth and young adult ministries as they take seriously the call to serve and lead in their churches. Recently, many of them participated in an Anti-Racism training designed specifically for them in order that they may be more effective and inclusive in they work to transform our churches and communities.

We give witness to new life happening in congregations that have recently called new pastors who together will create the next chapter in their faithful service: FCC Honolulu who has called Rev. Rae Karim and FCC Burbank who has called Rev. Brandan Johnson. 

We also give thanks to pastors recently ordained: Rev. Beth McQuitty and those who celebrate significant years of faithful service: Rev. Bob Bock, 50 years and Pastor Victor Ortega, 30 years!

We are grateful for the work of our Hatchery ministry who just held an amazing two-day retreat with over 30 pastors and leaders attending, becoming Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Learning skills for listening and discerning where God is calling us next in order to continue God’s mission and ministry in the world, and developing new ways of guiding the church in creative and innovative ministries to reach future generations.

Easter is just around the corner and most of our churches will be full or increased as others come seeking to experience and discover new life again. This is a wonderful time in the life of the church to once again celebrate the promise that God has the last word, and that word is LIFE! This is our hope and our joy.

In my office I have a small figurine of Saint Frances of Assisi. It always reminds me of his peace prayer that is familiar to many and so I want to share it here:

Lord, make me an instrument

of Thy peace;
Where there is hatred,
let me sow charity;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light; 

and Where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood as to understand; 

To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; 

And it is in dying to ourselves that we are born to eternal life.

As we continue on our Lenten journey to Easter I hope this will be our prayer. Part of this journey is letting go of those things that keep us from fully experiencing the new life God has for us. May we know this peace and experience the beauty of Spring within anew!

Together on the journey,
Don and Susan

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt