He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God WITH ALL your heart and WITH ALL your soul and WITH ALL your mind. 
This is the greatest and first commandment. - Matthew 22:37-38 (NRSV)

As we stand, in times of testing, post-pandemic weariness, wider cultural shifts, health challenges, and imagining the church in a new way for a new day. We are directed to bring together all of who we are, heart, soul, and mind with our Love for God. Let us gather to celebrate our regional life in covenantal love and action. Together, we will share a time of worship, reflection, education, and renewal. Prayerfully, turned with all our being and best to the mission and ministry ahead. #WithAllPSWRDisciples

The 2023 Regional Gathering will be held on Saturday, October 14, 2023 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Disciples Ministry Center located at 115 E. Wilshire Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832

REGISTRATION: Online registration is now closed, however on site registration will be available at a cost of $20. Check-in/Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 14 in the courtyard. Lunch cannot be guaranteed for on site registrations. Registration is FREE for all children/youth under the age of 18.

PARKING: There are several parking lots and structures located near the Disciples Ministry Center that can be found on this map.

WATER REFILL STATIONS will be located throughout the venue. We encourage you to bring a refillable water bottle with you to the Regional Gathering.

LIVE-STREAMED WORSHIP: For those who are unable to join us in person, worship services at the Regional Gathering will be live-streamed on the Disciples PSWR YouTube channel at 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

TRANSLATIONS IN SPANISH, KOREAN AND CHINESE/MANDARIN are available throughout this event website and will be available on site through printed programs and audio interpretation.

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! What does "with all" mean to you? Send our worship team your response to the question in 10 words or less, to Tau Tupua at by the end of the day Thursday, October 12.

PRE-GATHERING STUDY SESSION: We thank Rev. Dr. Aizaiah G. Yong, Ph.D. and Dr. Sharon Jacob, Ph.D. for providing our region with a study session as we prepare for our Regional Gathering. We hope you and your congregation find the study session to be a source of nourishment, encouragement and spiritual connection. Download the study session here.

regional gathering planning team

We would like to thank all of our participants, volunteers, and Regional Gathering Planning Cabinet, who have dedicated their time to make sure the 2023 Regional Gathering continues to be an event that brings us together as a Region.

Rev. Dr. Joi Robinson, Regional Moderator

Rev. Yvette Hernandez, First Vice Moderator

Rev. Jenny Crosswhite, Regional Gathering Coordinator 

Rev. Richie Sanchez, Regional Minister/President

Rev. Dr. Miseon Choi, Rev. B.J. Barlow, Rev. Siobhan Lopez,
Youth Activities

Ivan Segura, Site Logistics

Rev. Cisa Payuyo, Rev. Tesa Houser, Taulau Tupua, David Ruby,
Worship Planning

Muriel Bourke, Lorraine Bailey, Rev. Tanya Lopez,
Children’s Programming

Rev. Rip Rippetoe, Educational Opportunities

Alisa Mittelstaedt, Communication 

Branden Hendricks, Technology 

Bruce Indermill, Staff Liaison

Interpretation Coordinators:
Rev. Dr. Miseon Choi, Roxanna Pérez, Rev. Ching-Hsin (Steven) Han

Special Thank you to: 

Callie Yates, Streaming

Eric Ahlberg, Sound Technician